The Deliverability Lab

Lessons from the most extensive email deliverability study, ever.

How Does Catchall Verification Work?

How Does Catchall Verification Work?

Email verification was a commodity for the longest time — all products did the same thing and produced similar results. But recently, a dozen startups (Findymail, Prospeo, Scrubby, Leadmagic, etc) emerged claiming to do it “better” than legacy players. These companies have gotten a lot of attention, due to their claim that they can verify […]

How Does SMTP Verification Work?

How Does SMTP Verification Work?

SMTP verification is the oldest and most standard way of verifying emails. In this article, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about SMTP verification — how it works, where it fails and how to get better results. Let’s go! What is SMTP? SMTP stands for Standard Mail Transfer Protocol. Just like other […]

How To Measure Email Deliverability (Pt1)

How To Measure Email Deliverability (Pt1)

Email deliverability is critical to cold email. Without it, you’re spending thousands of dollars sending email into a black hole where your prospects will never see them. BUT, email deliverability comes with a dark side – nobody REALLY knows how to measure it (yes, even those “email experts”). This is a big problem for email […]
